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A member registered Jun 27, 2021

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It's up to you if you want to submit it to the wiki

(1 edit)

I suggest a SCP tale. Maximum of gameplay time 30 - 40 minutes 

Server is still in workings. I'm trying to figure out how to set the bot to assign roles based on the emoji selected

Hello there! 
Below I have attached the official Discord Server for this game jam.

Remember to include him in your game credits

1. Yes. You can publish if you want or just keep it to the game. 

2. Sure. Your imagination is the limit. 

3. Yes, you can even use SCP 682 if you want and add Dr. Bright as well

Hey there! 

  1. You can use what engine you like. 
  2. Not necessarily. I thought about 1 SCP because maybe some people will make a 3D game and I know how hard it is to make a 3D model, to animate and to write 1 SCP
  3. I will create a Discord Server. I'll post the like in the community tab
  4. I don't know why I made it that long. 

I'm kinda new to this game stuff too, I'm mainly a writer. I thought that it will be fun to experiment with people's ideas..

Hello there people! I'm glad to announce the theme for this game jam. The theme is containment breach. Your SCP is involved in a containment breach. You'll have to choose based on your SCP one of the scenarios. 

  • If you choose your SCP to be a safe class SCP you'll have to protect or contain it. 
  • If you choose your SCP to be a euclid class SCP you'll have to contain or to [REDACT] it
  • If you choose your SCP to be a Keter class SCP you'll have to contain or to [REDACT] it. (mostly attempt to redact it) 
  • If you choose your SCP to be a Thaumiel class SCP you'll have to protect itno matter what. 

By [REDACT] I mean neutralized. 

Good luck everybody!